What is Global Locals e.V.?

Global Locals is an inclusive and welcoming community in Nuremberg and the region. Besides familiarising people with information about local life, culture, and events, we keep people in the loop with our (online) magazine, English Post Nuremberg. We also foster real-life community connections via cultural events and social gatherings.

English Post

With our online magazine we provide information about local life, culture, history, people and events.


Join us on one of our cultural excursions or other events.

English Stammtisch Nuremberg

Join us at the next English Stammtisch here

What do I get as a Global Locals Member?

  • Access to a large number of events, from hiking, cycling, canoe trips, dinners, parties, movie nights, yoga, book club, and more!
  • FREE or reduced pricing on ALL Global Locals events!
  • First come, first served on all events over non-members!
  • Meet an amazing international as well as local community in Nuremberg.
  • Free access to all articles on English Post Nuremberg

Is there an event you would like to take part in, but it isn’t on our events list? We are always open to suggestions and welcome members who would like to organise even more events! To get involved, contact us at [email protected].

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