Step into a realm where darkness and folklore intertwine as we delve into the spine-chilling pages of "Bad Grains" by Susanne Schmidt. Our next captivating journey through literature takes us to the quaint German town of Fels, where Halloween casts an eerie shadow over eleven-year-old Jo and her chilling quest.
We come together and immerse ourselves in the serene green surroundings for this Sunday morning revitalising yoga experience in the Park. We will gather at Cafe Kiosk at 9:45am, and the class will begin at 10am.
Global Locals is excited to invite you to an extraordinary event that celebrates peace, human rights, and the power of community. The International Nürnberger Menschenrechtspreis, hosted by Stadt Nürnberg, is a prestigious award honouring individuals who courageously champion human rights worldwide.
Visual media recordings (photography and video) of participants may take place during these events. The visual material may be used for press releases and publicity material at and and may appear on Facebook, Instagram, and other social media. Please let the organisers at each event know if you do not wish to appear on social media.